Tuesday, 18 May 2010

too many alts?

do you think we can have too many alts? I have 10 chars on the khadgar realm,4 ar 80's rest are somewhere in between. I have been levelling my mage and paladin recently as well,as i have found that the constant grind of daily randoms boring at moment,its all i seem to do. so to break that up i have been focusing on questing again..i have tried to go to different places as i haven't completed all quests in all areas.
My aim is to get searing gorge and burning steppes cleared as i have never followed these quest lines. Another project of mine has been to level a rogue on the horde side,this is on a diff realm as khadgar is now full for me he he!i have found it quite interesting, i have decided that on this realm all my chars ar going to be horde. but tbh it is probably never going to get that full as this is just an off shoot for me.I am and always will be khadgar and klf loyal.
just got in from pub quiz that my friends persuaded (twisted my arm,guilt tripped me..and no they didn't pay me dammit) me to go to..saying we need your brains, now i did worry that i was going to end up being the victim of some vampire crazed zombies..but nope it was just they had this idea i would be intelligent..pub quizzes are notoriously bizarre..this one was no different. i found out rather alot and many strange and weird facts! did u know that a man in Minnesota is not allowed to have sex with a fish? or that it is illegal to have sex,whilst standing upright in a walk-in meat freezer?! the best one by far is: It is illegal for any member of the Nevada Legislature to conduct official business wearing a penis costume while the legislature is in session..a penis costume?? the mind boggles! anyway, the upshot of the quiz is that we won hurrah! so i came out of there wiser and non the richer as it cost £1 to play and we paid £1 to play 'play your cards right' at the interval..but at least i know wot i can and cant do in America now! *giggle*

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