Thursday, 30 September 2010

A tired day

Hmm, well I haven't blogged for a while, that is partly because I have been at work and partly because I didn't really feel I had anything to say!

I don't know about you, but recently I have found myself logging on wow and thinking 'God, I'm  bored'. Now I know pre-expansion this can happen,but it didn't, to me,  when WOTLK was due to hit. This time,however, I have found myself switching from char to char and thinking..pfft what is the point? Partly, I think, because I know gearing up and stuff is going to be futile soon,and chasing those emblems maybe a waste of time. I am quite intrigued to see how these new changes are going to affect us all, which is another reason why I am not going hell for leather at gearing and gemming, as it will all change.
I have even got myself a second account, no thanks to Nys, so i can level more chars as i want to, I have started to level a shadow priest as I want one, I love my holy priest and I plan to have a holy/shadow priest and a disc/shadow priest in the end. I have purloined one of Scully's cats to help me, although at the moment the cat is sleeping! Sadly I have no heirlooms for Sylvarnia, (I did want Syvannia, but it was taken) so the levelling is as new. I don't have a debit card to do character transfers and it won't accept pre-paid credit cards for this either. Also, don't worry, I have bought an authenticator for this account too! OK wow stuff over, if you want to stop reading now its fine!

On different issues, i am sadly off work again due to my depression. I am actually quite annoyed at it. depression isn't something I want. It isn't an easy thing for people to understand who don't suffer from it. Until i became depressed etc, I could partially understand the effects it could have,due to my training and experiences, but I could never truly grasp how hard the tiredness and apathy dragged at you and it is a hard battle to fight it, which for some people is completely debilitating. I am a person who thinks 'Right,let's get on with it then' especially if I know what is wrong, but depression doesn't quite take that line. It is like today..yay a great day, then the next you just so can't be arsed. There wont even be a reason for it. And to be brutally honest I hate it...I really,really do not want this at all. As a nurse, I find it very frustrating as I think 'I'm a Nurse I should know better'..but I am also human and I know I am being hard on myself (tis a trait that makes depression and anxiety much worse).

I do try and give myself goals each day,I don't sit there going 'Oh woe is me', I do actually try and self help, sitting there on your bum all day actually makes you worse, so I push myself to do things. But then, I used to just do things without having to push myself..where has that vavavoom gone? I know at the moment it has completely fucked off! I do not choose to be depressed,I am actually quite angry at it,i want to be at work and I want to have the energy to do normal day to day things..but right now? I so can't be arsed.


  1. Awww poor you Morty!

    I must admit I'm pretty ignorant about depression, but from all I've heard about it, it seems a very misleading name, after all, you're not sad or unhappy but the name implies that. Almost strikes me as a kind of cross between ME and bipolar syndrome. So something that you kinda have to 'manage'?

    Oh, and if you want a goal, there is a point to doing heroics even now. Your emblems of Frost and Triumph count directly towards the new system of buying epics, Justice Points. There's a calculator at:

    Just put in how many of each type of emblem you have and it'll tell you how many points/how much gold they'll translate to come Cataclysm.

    There is a cap of 4000 points that you can 'pre-grind' which translates to about 1400 EoF or EoT.

    So get grinding!


  2. Just a thought Mort, if its the whole "Whats the point?" Thats hitting you.... why not try some of the stuff here before its removed from the game altogether:
